Government of Georgia – News

Issuance of 1,200 GEL has started to benefit citizens who have lost jobs to the 2nd wave of the pandemic

Targeted assistance issuance-1,200 GEL in installments of 200 GEL over a 6-month period-launches to benefit citizens who have lost their jobs to the 2nd wave of the pandemic and are no longer remunerated. As of today, compensations will be deposited into the bank accounts of 106,080 persons, to amount to 21,216,000 GEL. The 1st month's installment has already been deposited.

This compensation applies to those employed and remunerated for any two-month period or longer from January of 2020 through November of 2020, while having not being paid for at least 1 month in a period from December of 2020 through February 2021, including to terminated/suspended labor relations. Also, compensations can be claimed by employees on parental leave affected throughout the coronavirus period.

To claim 200-GEL assistance, company representatives can submit applications for their employees through the 20th day of each months (for 6 months starting in January), online, on the authorized user webpage

Tutorial videos and FAQs are available on:
The updated software of the Revenue Service allows users to see for themselves that their data are present on the list of compensation beneficiaries:

The assistance applies to Georgian citizens, foreign citizens with residence permits, or stateless individuals and temporary residents qualifying as refugees or persons with humanitarian protection.