Government of Georgia – Appearance 2007

The Praiseworthy Beginning program will be enacted on December 21

On December 13, the Prime Minister of Georgia Vladimer Gurgenidze met with the businessmen at the Chancellery of the Government of Georgia. The meeting was dedicated to the discussions related to the details of implementation of the joint project of the Government of Georgia and the businessmen. According to the words of the prime minister, the program will be put to action prior to the fixed date - on December 21 and he extended his gratitude to the representatives of Georgian businesses for this achievement. On the above issue he stated the following: "We want to inform the Georgian public that the initiative on Praiseworthy Beginning program which has been supported by the Georgian government is gradually acquiring all necessary attributes for its further development. Today, we've had a meeting with the representatives of those businesses, who are at the frontline of the necessary organizational work to be carried out. The interest to this process has been really very high. A number of companies have responded to this initiative and I would like to thank all of them for this. The feeling of social solidarity proves to be an inseparable part and an outstanding characteristic feature of our Georgian business makers. To be more concrete in my expression, through the efforts of the businessmen being present at this meeting and due to other business leaders as well, the means for starting this program on December 21 will be obtained.

As it has already been mentioned, the program will be enacted 10 days prior to the initially fixed date. It means that minimum 300-400 poor (vulnerable) families will receive the aid already in December. The mentioned category of families will receive vouchers of 1000 Gel value per each newborn and reimbursement of the said vouchers will be possible in any banking institution.

At the closing of the meeting, on behalf of the government, the prime minister thanked again leaders of the Georgian business, as well as all other companies who have backed this initiative which is aiming at supporting socially vulnerable families throughout our country. Unfortunately, the number of such families in Georgia amounts to 360 thousand. It should also be noted that Georgian businesses are not sparing efforts with regard to charity and the Praiseworthy Beginning program is a good testimony to this.

The press center of the Chancellery of the Government of Georgia