Government of Georgia

Prime Minister of Georgia Nika Gilauri was in Gori

 Prime Minister of Georgia was in Gori, Nika Gilauri decorated the Russian-Georgian War Memorial with flowersOn August 8, 2010, Prime Minister of Georgia Nika Gilauri was in Gori where the events dedicated to the second anniversary of the Russian-Georgian war were held.

Nika Gilauri decorated the Russian-Georgian War Memorial with flowers.

"I remember well the Russian aggression committed two years ago and the occupation period. Everybody remembersPrime Minister of Georgia Nika Gilauri was in Gori those guys dead in the fight when protecting the Georgian nation and the state.

We shall always remember the names of those guys and do everything possible to prosper and unify our country, return the lost territories, economically strengthen and gain a victory. The nation having such heroes shall not have the right to step back.

We shall gain a victory for the glory of those guys and this is called the unity of Georgia," - declared the Georgian Prime Minister.


Press Office of the Prime Minister