Government of Georgia

6th New Tunnel Has Been Built in the Segment of Rikoti Gorge


6th new tunnel has been built in the road segment passing through Rikoti Gorge (Ubisa-Shorapani segment, Shrosha village).

Tunnel built through Shrosha village has a length of 885 meters and is thus the longest among the tunnels built so far on the road passing through the new gorge road.

Construction works are progressing at 39 tunnels within the project initiative (in total 53 tunnels will be built).

Also, 53 bridges are being built (in total 96 bridges will be built).

✅ Out of the total number of labour force employed at the Rikoti gorge 2000 are citizens of Georgia.

✅ Road passing through Rikoti Gorge will shorten the East-West Highway (EWH) by 30 kilometres and will thus half the time of commuting.

It is worth noting that none of the infrastructure projects with a strategic significance were suspended during the pandemic.

Highway with a length of 70 km has been built;

Rehabilitation and repairs applied to the road with a length of 580 km.