Government of Georgia

Georgia Submits Voluntary National Review Report to UN


Georgia has submitted its 2nd Voluntary National Review Report (VNR) on the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to the United Nations High-Level Political Forum.

The VNR, which encompasses a 2015-2019 reporting period, was developed alongside the Government Program in 3 priority directions: economic development, human capital development/social welfare, and democratic governance. The report includes a detailed analysis of Georgia's progress and emphasizes the country's achievements, best practices, and challenges.

Sustainable Development Goals have been developed by the UN as a blueprint for global development that includes 17 goals and 169 objectives to be reached by 2030, including eradication of poverty, good health and quality education, reduced inequality, sustainable climate and ecosystems, justice and strong institutions. Georgia joined the 2030 development agenda in the same year, 2015, and the process of its implementation is coordinated by the Administration of the Georgian Government.

Georgia submits its Voluntary National Review Report once every 4 years.

The report is available at

Press Service of the Government Administration