Government of Georgia

Sopo Japaridze’s Meeting with EU Special Representative for Human Rights


Today, the Georgian Prime Minister's Assistant on Human Rights and Gender Equality Sopo Japaridze held a meeting with EU Special Representative for Human Rights Stavros Lambrinidis.
Sopo Japaridze described the state policy on ensuring gender equality and combating violence against women and domestic violence. The discussion involved the legislative amendments stemming from the ratification of the Istanbul Convention and policy-defining documents in the form of action plans, as well as institutional mechanisms operating within different branches of government and serving the purpose of implementing coordinated and consistent policy for ensuring gender equality. In this context, the conversation also involved different services provided to the victims of violence against women and domestic violence, and awareness campaigns.
Sopo Japaridze introduced Stavros Lambrinidis to the results of the 2017 report on the practices of early marriage and female genital mutilation in Georgia. As the Prime Minister's Assistant pointed out, the report's results also cover violence against women. Sopo Japaridze provided the EU Special Representative with information on the measures taken by the Interagency Commission on Gender Equality and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in order to provide effective response to harmful practices and to prevent violence against women and domestic violence.
The meeting also discussed the implementation of the Government's Human Rights Action Plan and achievements and challenges encountered in particular directions under the plan. The discussion involved penitentiary reform, the enforcement of the anti-discrimination law, protection of minority rights, and the reforms implemented by the Interior Ministry.
Notably, Georgia, along with 15 other countries across the world, is on the list of Good Human Rights Stories (GHRS), the European Union's new initiative. The list compiled under the initiative features exemplary and successful countries excelling in respect for human rights, establishing and cementing good systems for protecting human rights. Georgia is the only country in the region to be included on the list.