Government of Georgia



Construction of a rehabilitation house for children affected by solid cancer is getting launched. H.E. Giorgi Kvirikashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia attended the presentation of the project today.

Initiative comes from Monk Andrea Charity Foundation. Major part of the project beneficiaries are financed from the Solidarity Foundation.

As noted by the Prime Minister of Georgia, support of children in easing their pain and suffering is a great and noble deed. Head of the Government of Georgia expressed his gratitude to Mother Tinatin, Head of Monk Andrea Charity Foundation for her endeavors leading to shared compassion.

"I believe that more words are less needed here. Hundreds of people had their existence eased as a result of the efforts made by the authorities of the country, however I do not think it right to talk about it today. Instead, we should talk about the spirit and ambiance that surrounds us in this room. It should be spread throughout the country - public and private sectors alike. Also, any individual, who can contribute to this great effort should do so, as this is our duty towards our Lord, country and children. This suffering may challenge anyone any day. At moments like this we should stand by each other and help survive the problems that may be tackled. All the rest is the God's willing!" noted the Prime Minister.

Head of the Government of Georgia urged people to share the spirit and support this noble initiative. "We will continue doing our best to make the project as grand as the affected angels deserve" noted the Prime Minister of Georgia.

Construction of the rehabilitation house will be launched in April 2017 and will be presumably completed in October 2018. It will thus be the first house with a full spectrum of rehabilitation services rendered gratis to all the children and families affected by solid cancer. It will concurrently provide 24/7 services to 20 children and parents. Day care center will also operate at the premises of the rehabilitation house admitting 50 children and parents to benefit of the essential services during the daytime.

Prime Minister's Press Office