Government of Georgia – Appearance 2018

Prime Minister’s Statement on Recent Events Print Version


Naturally, we start today's Government meeting by discussing the recent events that have caused significant anxiety in society, those that I strongly believe to be principally importance to all of us and our society. The Khorava Street tragedy has become our serious challenge.
A human being is our ultimate value. We lost two youths. Unfortunately, the decision of the court of first instance has raised many questions, among us included. The state responded swiftly, and it is important to list its actions.
The Parliament made an immediate political decision to establish the investigative commission, which is unprecedented. I would like to emphasize that this decision was made before the demonstration on Rustaveli Avenue, so that no one could claim credit, and such statements were made immediately.
Subsequently, because of the decision of the court of first instance, the Interior Ministry resumed investigating into alleged failure to report crime and alleged witness intimidation. Many were questioned afterward, and we believe that the public's concerns and our questions will be answered in the nearest future. However, we must understand that it will take a reasonable length of time to find the whole truth and to eliminate all questions and doubts.

The Chief Prosecutor showed a very high standard of responsibility by resigning immediately which I believe to be equally unprecedented. I would like to urge our population to make a comparison between the time when people rallied in the streets for months with no response from the state and the way the current authorities respond to public demands. I believe there has been a very considerable qualitative change. We also welcome the creation of a civic platform to ensure organized civic engagement. I believe that the law allows for the families of the victims, their attorneys, and representatives of society attending the meetings of the investigative commission.

Equally unprecedented is the fact that the parliamentary minority is the majority within the investigative commission and its chairperson is a minority representative.
Thus, it is a major qualitative political change in our country. I want our citizens to see the difference between how the state today responds to public opinion and demands. This change was brought about by the extremely important political transformation in 2012. Of course, I must reiterate that it was the Georgian people's victory under Bidzina Ivanishvili's leadership. Today Bidzina Ivanishvili is the Chairman of the Party, and I very much hope that our team, standing by his side and supporting him, will put in place a functioning constitutional state in which a sense of justice will be far stronger. To this end, steps must be taken, and special emphasis must be placed on judicial reform as well. In relation to judicial reform, I would like to ask the public to see the trends, even though the judiciary is not today what we want it to be. Emphasizing the trends is very important. Steps have already been taken toward judicial reform, and it is important to have relevant perceptions in society to ensure trust in state institutions. To this end, the state must do more, and it is something that must be said.
Judicial reform is undoubtedly one of the key directions that we must emphasize to a greater extent.

I do not want to discuss at length how unfortunate it is that certain politically engaged groups took advantage of the situation and bring forth, and continue bringing forth, demands that are absolutely disproportionate to the situation and inadequate. Society sees it all very well. This society lived in a state that totally disregarded the voice of the people, a state in which, despite months of demonstrations in the streets, no response was provided whatsoever. Today, we have a state in which the authorities care about public opinion. We are a government that has its own mistakes, but nobody is infallible, and adequate response is provided to these mistakes, and response political action is planned. I reiterate that the trend is what matters most, and the trend in our country lies in building a democratic and constitutional state.

Prime Minister's Press Office